Dyslexia Assessment
Our aim is to support and encourage parents and children through a deeper awareness of dyslexia and its profile, including areas of strength and weakness. This empowers families, and promotes stronger relationships and advocacy both at home and at school.
How do I know if my child should be evaluated for dyslexia?
Answering the following questions may help you learn more.
Does your child have persistent difficulties with reading, writing or spelling?
Is it hard for your child to sound out words phonetically, particularly unfamiliar words?
When comparing your child to others of similar age or grade, do you feel your child's reading ability is at the same level with their peers?
Does your child mix up similar words such as top/pot?
Does your child skip or substitute words when reading aloud, or read a word correctly in one place on a page but miss the same word elsewhere on the page?
Does your child add or omit letters when reading or writing?
Does your child reverse letters when writing after most children of similar age have stopped doing so?
Does your child confuse similar sounding words? (humanity for humidity)
Does your child mispronounce words, or find it difficult to retrieve specific words?
Does your child indicate they do not like to read, or that reading is difficult?
If you answered YES to three or more of these questions, your child may benefit from a dyslexia evaluation.
*The number of YES responses is not an indication of severity.

Our Services:
We desire to promote each student's ability to achieve their potential in education. We provide comprehensive, research-based assessment of academic achievement to determine the presence of dyslexia, including:​
Two-hour testing with comprehensive achievement battery
Summative evaluation report including recommendations for home and school
Consultation appointment to review testing results
Specific areas measured include:
Phonological/Phonemic awareness
Phonological memory
Rapid automatic naming
Word recognition
Decoding efficiency
Contextual reading accuracy, rate and fluency
Oral reading comprehension
Listening comprehension
Receptive vocabulary
Expressive vocabulary
Oral expression
Written expression
The fee for Dyslexia Assessment is $600.00
